Channel: Travel/Eating Out & Food Allergy – AllergicChild

Medication & Safety While Abroad

This is a selection from my new e-book “Studying Abroad with Food Allergies,” available exclusively on Amazon Kindle. I detail all the important things you should think about when planning, traveling, and studying abroad! Buy it here. (It’s free with Kindle Unlimited!) As a part of its study abroad program, The University of Denver (DU), where … Continue reading Medication & Safety While Abroad

Traveling with Food Allergies and Friends to San Francisco!

Traveling to Mexico City for a Youth Conference

Unlike traveling to San Francisco, which I wrote about here, Mexico City had its challenges. I was attending a conference in Mexico City called the Youth Congress for Sustainable Americas, which is organized by a non-profit organization based in Denver. I attended with some other students from the University of Denver, including Darylann who was … Continue reading Traveling to Mexico City for a Youth Conference

A Lesson of “Pet Free”

When our son, Morgan, was young we were always SO careful to protect him from dogs and cats because of his severe allergies, diagnosed from a skin prick test, and confirmed with a few disastrous exposures. Prior to him receiving allergy shots, if he was in a house where a dog or cat had ever … Continue reading A Lesson of “Pet Free”

Food Allergies and Shared Kitchens

Maintaining control of kitchen supplies and surfaces is a must for those with food allergies. Yet, there are many times when a shared kitchen is all that is available. When is it safe to cook there? And how do you do it? When do you need to find an alternative method to prepare food? What … Continue reading Food Allergies and Shared Kitchens

Preparing for A Backpacking Trip to Iceland!

A Trip of a Lifetime – Backpacking in Iceland

Hip Restaurants, Fusion Food, and Dating

I’ve been in my current relationship for over two years now. He’s so great. We’ve done multiple trips together and have begun to settle into whatever this “adult life” means. He even helped during this holiday season to navigate not one, but two, Thanksgiving meals (one with friends, one with family) to make sure the … Continue reading Hip Restaurants, Fusion Food, and Dating

Here’s the Conversation I just had with my son about Coronavirus

Traveling with Food Allergies When Coronavirus is In the News

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